Newsletter of the Internal Staff Association (ISA)
Branch of SAPTU

December 2014

Dear ISA Members

Wage negotiations
The 2015 wage negotiations are due to commence at the end of January when Labour will submit their demands to management.

ISA would like to know from you what your expectations are. What do you believe a good increase will be? Please respond by return email ( by 16 January 2015.

Bargaining and Labour Relations Forum report back
At the December BLRF meeting the following issues were discussed:

Financial overview
The HR Executive Manager, Nimee Dhuloo, said Joyce Mogale, the interim CEO (a former Executive Manager of the NHLS Northern Region) has set her main priorities as solving the billing and financial crisis. Two people have been deployed from CHAI (Clinton Health Access Initiative) to assist and strengthen the management committee in their quest to establish a financially stable organisation. A CHAI representative gave a brief financial overview as follows:

Ms Dhuloo said there are currently 1,300 vacancies. These are vacancies in all categories but include a large portion of core staff, including 30 pathologists and 200+ technologists. Exco has also instructed her not to fill these vacancies as there is no money; all projects have also been placed on hold. However, the Reward and Remuneration project will continue “until resources run out”.

Policy matters in dispute
Maternity leave: Staff members who were prejudiced by the new policy which excludes staff who go on maternity leave during their first 12 months of employment from claiming the financial benefit, will be compensated, i.e. the difference between the UIF claimed and their salary will be paid to these employees.

Several recent policy changes, approved by the Board, were disputed by Labour as these were prejudicial to staff or not complying with the Basic Conditions of Employment Act. Management will respond to Labour’s disputes by end January 2015.

Reward and Remuneration project – volunteers
We require members to represent ISA on the various streams of the Reward and Remuneration project. This means attending meetings and giving feedback. The various “streams” of the project are:

If you are prepared to assist, please respond via return email (

Festive greetings
ISA wishes all its members and their loved ones a safe and happy festive season, and blessings and rewards for 2015.


The Internal Staff Association (ISA) of the National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS)


Louise Blake
Tel: (010) 210-7381
Cell: 082 472 2840