Labour Centre

Tax Information

As most of our members are eligible to pay tax, SAPTU provides support regarding basic tax procedures. We can help members submit tax returns and advise about what you need for a tax return and how to register on SARS.

Make use of eFiling or the SARS MobiApp. Register your profile now to ensure a smooth filing experience. No need to call, you can register online or download the MobiApp on your phone or tablet.

Ensure that you have received your IRP5/IT3(a)s and other tax certificates like your medical certificate, retirement annuity fund certificate, and any other 3rd party data relevant to determining your tax obligations. If you have not yet received your tax certificates, immediately approach your employer, medical aid scheme, retirement annuity fund, and/or other 3rd party data providers to make sure that they have complied with their submission requirements.

If you are not an eFiler, click here to register.

We will assess a significant number of taxpayers automatically. If you accept the outcome, you do not have to complete a return because we would have done that for you. If you are auto-assessed, you will be notified per SMS in August – so there will be no need for you to call us or visit a branch. The SMS will direct you to eFiling or the SARS MobiApp to either “Accept” or “Edit” the return.

Some taxpayers may receive communication before 1 August 2020 indicating why they will not be auto-assessed or alerting them to their 2019 return submission findings. This will assist them in submitting outstanding returns. Please adhere to the communication, submit any due returns as soon as possible, avoid delays in filing your 2020 return, and ensure a seamless experience this year.

A video on auto assessment is currently in production and will be available soon on the SARS YouTube channel. Keep an eye on our website for the release date.

We auto-assess based on the data we receive from employers, financial institutions, medical schemes, retirement annuity fund administrators and other 3rd party data providers.

If you accept your auto-assessment results and if there is a refund due to you, the refund will be paid by SARS.

If you owe SARS money, you can make a payment on eFiling, via EFT or the SARS MobiApp by the specified due date on your Notice of Assessment.

The dates differ every year, but these dates give a realistic timeline.

You may file immediately or from 1 September – 16 November: Taxpayers who file online via eFiling or the SARS MobiApp

You may file immediately or from 1 September – 22 October: Taxpayers who cannot file electronically can file at selected SARS branches by appointment only.

You may file immediately or from 1 September – 29 January 2021: Provisional taxpayers who file via eFiling

Make use of the SARS ONLINE QUERY SYSTEM here.