
We have strived to establish the profile of SAPTU both locally and on national level as a union that cares and a union that is involved with the interests and well-being of its people – a union that is value-driven with transparency as management principle with straightforward focused support for both employee and employer.

SAPTU North-West will endeavour to be part of a participatory process and dimension by using strategically formulated objectives including:

Objectives and Purpose of Management Structure

All these ideals only became reality in an environment characterised by mutual respect and multi-level appropriation. SAPTU North-West used this vision as a powerful tool in becoming a leader in the sector – a leader that goes to every length to promote the interests of all its stakeholders through the principles of fairness and integrity.

Contact Person/s

Odette Murray
Executive Officer / Uitvoerende beampte
SAPTU North-West / Noordwes
North-West University / Universiteit
Private Bag x6001/ Privaatsak

Tel: +2718-299-4227
Fax: +2718-285-2396
Cell: +2772-030-1970

Odette Murray
Margaretha van der Spoel
Secretary / Sekretaresse
SAPTU North-West / Noordwes
North-West University / Universiteit
Private Bag x6001/ Privaatsak

Tel: +2718-299-4070
Fax: +2718-285-2396

Margaretha van der Spoel