My employer is re-locating the company from Pretoria to Johannesburg. I live in Pretoria.

Must the employer increase my salary to cover the extra cost of travelling from Pretoria to Johannesburg and back to Pretoria every day?

Answer – there is no obligation on the employer to do this – it is a matter that must be negotiated between the employee and the employer. My employer is re-locating the company from Pretoria to Johannesburg. I live in Pretoria and if I must work in Johannesburg, I will have a huge problem in fetching my children from the after-school care centre in Pretoria by 5 pm. Travelling from Johannesburg every day at 4.30 means I won’t get to Pretoria until about 6 pm or later. The after-school care centre closes at 5 pm, and they are not prepared to wait for me. In addition, it is simply not practical for me to arrive home at 7 pm or later every day, cook dinner, see to the kids etc.