Newsletter of the Internal Staff Association (ISA) Branch of SAPTU – Nov 2017

The Bargaining and Labour Relations Forum meeting held on 9 November was another frustrating waste of time with the employer dragging its feet and very few resultant positive outcomes.

Labour previously proposed that the pay progression plan be implemented for both the General and Management and Core staff at the same time at the end of November 2017. Labour also proposed that the Proficiency Assessment be done and implemented by March 2017. This proposal had been submitted to the Board, Remuneration and HR Committee and Finance Committee for approval and the CEO is to make the final announcement when approved or not. In the BLRF meeting of 9 November, there was still no feedback as to the approval or implementation by end of November 2017. Labour was assured by the employer that they will call a teleconference as soon as the decision is made known.

Essential Services
The employer notified labour that they are applying for essential services status. Labour intends to respond to the employer’s proposal. (Essential services refers to a class of occupations that have been legislated by a government to have special restrictions in regard to labour relations such as not being allowed to legally strike, particularly if the interruption of these services would endanger life, health or the personal safety of the whole or part of a population.)

Prorate back pay on proficiency for retirees
The delay in the proficiency assessment and the promise to backdate payment to October 2016, means that the agreement should apply to all those staff who were in the employ of NHLS at the time when the agreement was signed; thus staff who retired since should be considered for the prorate benefit. ISA raised this issued and is happy to report that the employer has acceded to this request.

13th cheque
The employer has proposed that the 13th cheque, for financial reasons, be paid in the birthday month.

Grade Discrepancies
According to the employer, there are no grade discrepancies, only “Grade personal to holder” which means that due to job evaluation, the job has changed. The person in the job will not change their grade or job title and salary until they exit the organisation. When they leave, the job will be advertised at the correct level. The employer has agreed to share the JD outcomes with labour.

Laboratory manager and supervisor grade differentiation
There is no update at present as the matter is still being attended to.