PRESS RELEASE: SAPTU calls for support of agricultural community faced with fires

SAPTU calls on South Africans to lend their support to the agricultural sector during the fires ravaging districts in the Free State and Northern Cape and wish to thank those who’ve already made contributions in this regard.

“The farmers in these areas already had to suffer through a terrible drought, and now they have to deal with fires destroying grazing, animals and homes,” says adv Ben van der Walt, the general secretary of SAPTU. “Our thoughts go out to the affected farmers.”

SAPTU serves members in the agricultural sector and has a good relationship with the farmers’ organisations.  

“Even though our members aren’t directly affected, we realise that the destruction of agricultural products has an impact on the whole agricultural community, as well as every link in the value chain,” says adv Van der Walt. “It is heartening to see how other farmers, organisations and individuals are reaching out and sending truckloads of feed and other necessary items to the affected farms.”

SAPTU calls on the government to declare the fire-stricken districts to disaster areas and to support the farmers, workers and families affected.

Issued by:                  SAPTU
Date:                           22 October 2020

Enquiries:                  Adv Ben van der Walt, General Secretary SAPTU                                           Email: