PRESS RELEASE: SAPTU disappointed with planning around vaccine – Creates platform of appreciation for NHLS-members

SAPTU is disappointed by reports that front line medical workers were either denied or had to wait for hours in queues – without little regard for social distancing – to receive the approved vaccination against COVID-19.

“These people have worked endlessly for almost a year to ensure that South Africans receive the best medical care during the pandemic,” says Adv Ben van der Walt, the general secretary of SAPTU (South African Parastatal and Tertiary Institutions Union). “It is appaling that they should have to deal with poor planning, risking infection, while trying to protect themselves. The department should have realised a centralised approach would cause chaos.”

Despite the weekend’s chaos, SAPTU is glad that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine could be obtained quickly after problems with the AstraZeneca vaccination.

“The COVID-19 pandemic had already claimed the lives of around 600 medical workers,” says Adv Van der Walt. “We are hopeful that the vaccination will protect our members against further casualties.”

As a gesture of appreciation, SAPTU today launched a unique platform – on our brand-new website – where friends, family and other thankful South Africans can send our NHLS members a digital card.

“They have been through so much; we encourage everyone to thank the medical workers,” concludes Adv Van der Walt.

The platform is available at the following link:

Issued by:                  SAPTU

Date:                           23 February 2021

Enquiries:                  Adv Ben van der Walt, General Secretary SAPTU                                                           Cell.: 083 260 8548