SAPTU supports state of disaster under these circumstances

SAPTU (South African Parastatal and Tertiary Institutions Union) is of the opinion that the introduction of a state of disaster will help bring an end to load shedding more quickly.
“With that, I just want to add that there must be structures in place to make sure that everything is done according to the law and that under no circumstances fraud or corruption take place,” says Adv Ben van der Walt, SAPTU’s General Secretary.
“The goal should be to eliminate the hassle of connecting more privately generated power to the power grid. We all know the current process has just too much red tape and it is not to the benefit of the public and the economy.”
Adv Van der Walt also wants to see that making available disaster funds to successfully implement the intended process must be subject to strict financial control and controls to eliminate fraud and misuse.
“The process for the implementation and management of a state of disaster and other ongoing approval mechanisms must be fully approved through a parliamentary process to prevent any misappropriation or corruption.”

Photo by Giorgio Manenti on Unsplash